Installing AWX Operator

helm repo add awx-operator

Installing the operator within our cluster via helm

helm install ansible-awx-operator awx-operator/awx-operator -n awx --create-namespace

Now let us validate that the operator pod –which will later install the components that we need– is in Running state:

[alexia@andromeda ~] $ kubectl get pods -n awx

Due to the fact that k3s comes with a default storage class for creating volumes within the machine where it runs, the following step is used to define a Volume Claim and a Custom Resource Definition. If we would like to explore the complete list of installed AWX’s crds we could run

kubectl get crds -o yaml

For our use case we will do this by creating a .yaml file. For example awx_manifest_for_operator.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: postgres-13-ansible-awx-postgres-13-0
  namespace: awx
  storageClassName: local-path
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi
kind: AWX
  name: ansible-awx
  namespace: awx
  service_type: nodeport
  postgres_storage_class: local-path

Now it can be applied against the cluster running:

kubectl apply -f awx_manifest_for_operator.yaml

After a moment, the awx namespace should have the pods being excecuted

[alexia@andromeda ~] $ sudo kubectl get pods -n awx
NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS         AGE
ansible-awx-postgres-13-0                          1/1     Running   6 (4m25s ago)    39h
ansible-awx-web-7d458cd684-v458k                   3/3     Running   20 (4m25s ago)   39h
ansible-awx-task-6dfd5dcdb7-4fz7q                  4/4     Running   27 (4m25s ago)   39h
awx-operator-controller-manager-64df47d889-wkp5w   2/2     Running   19 (4m25s ago)   40h
[alexia@andromeda ~] $ 

Lastly, we expose the deployment of AWX

kubectl expose deployment ansible-awx-web --name ansible-awx-web-svc --type NodePort -n awx

We need to obtain the admin password for initial login (If you are not using domain credentials via LDAP et al)

Username will be admin, and the password can be obtained by excecuting the following command:

kubectl get secret ansible-awx-admin-password -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" -n awx | base64 --decode ; echo

Store it somewhere safe, and change it once you have logged in.

We need to obtain the port for the web interface. We can look this up in several ways, but since we’re working with kubectl, a quick way would be just by listing the svc:

[alexia@andromeda ~] $ sudo kubectl get svc -n awx ansible-awx-web-svc
NAME                  TYPE       CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
ansible-awx-web-svc   NodePort   <none>        8052:30087/TCP   53m

And that’s really it. We can now login to AWX via web interface and start to migrate or setup our awx cluster.

AWX Local Cluster

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